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Astrologer’s forecast for August 25: Colors that promise dreams and success

Astrologer’s forecast for August 25: Colors that promise dreams and success What to do on August 25 (illustration:

This Sunday, August 25, could bring many successes, especially considering the influence of the Sun and Venus’s royal degrees. Certain colors may enhance positive energy and help realize dreams.

Exclusively for RBC-Ukraine (Styler project), astrologer Kateryna Solovyova has prepared a forecast for the day and explained what actions to take and what to avoid.

Astrological forecast for August 25

Don’t forget about retrograde Mercury. Avoid planning anything important; it’s better to postpone serious matters.

“This is a period of forward movement, a time for records and achievements. It’s an active and creative day for bravery, voluntary sacrifice, persistence in reaching goals, revolutionary changes, and achieving triumph and victory,” the astrologer described the day.

“One should be honest and fair even in small matters. It’s a favorable day for politicians, reformers, showmen, and producers. Group activities and collective problem-solving will be beneficial. Tasks involving responsibility and duty will be successful,” she added.

You can also plan physical activities, nature walks, and water treatments for this day.

Astrologer’s forecast for August 25: Colors that promise dreams and success

Horoscope for August 25 (illustration:

Astro life hacks for Sunday

“August 25 is a day of the Sun, which governs our inner self, consciousness, worldview, world perception, understanding, life force, energy, health, individuality, temperament, self-realization, sources of self-expression, and wholeness,” explained Solovyova.

Due to the general atmosphere of the day, it’s better not to start new ventures related to the action of the Sun. This includes:

- leisure activities with children;
- various entertainment and gambling games;
- public speaking;
- romantic adventures.

“You can attend concerts, shows, and exhibitions. Dedicate an hour or two to your hobbies and any creative pursuits,” advised the astrologer.

On this day, Solovyova suggested using colors such as orange, gold, and yellow in clothing, along with symbols of the sunflower and lion. Wearing gold jewelry and enjoying pieces of orange are also recommended.

“The classic flower of the Sun is the sunflower, and its symbol will be fitting for this day. To enhance the energy of the 'king of planets,' images of the 'king of animals' — the majestic lion — will also be appropriate,” added Solovyova.

Astrologer’s forecast for August 25: Colors that promise dreams and success

Astrological forecast for this Sunday (illustration:

Venus in a royal degree: what does it have in store for us?

“Until 14:25 on August 25, Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, finances, creativity, art, skill, talent, and partnership, will be in the royal degree of Virgo. Planets and luminaries that enter this zone of powerful positive energy of royal degrees can significantly influence people,” explained the astrologer.

This influence, she also noted, allows for the full realization of available opportunities. Royal degrees create factors of luck, success, and satisfaction with life.

According to Solovyova, they bring optimism, joy, anticipation, and the acquisition of miracles in life. The main characteristics of this degree in Virgo are meticulousness, punctuality, and thoroughness.

“It imparts patience, mental activity, luck, adaptability to circumstances, and authority. It is especially beneficial for learning and the ability to acquire information. It supports concentration and enhances intellect,” the astrologer shared.

“This period is effective for reviewing affairs and possessions, analyzing, comparing, checking, evaluating the effectiveness of previous projects, clarifying circumstances of various situations, identifying deficiencies, and correcting mistakes in any area of life,” she concluded.

Additionally, we previously reported that the Universe is preparing a special surprise for only three zodiac signs.

Also, check out the tarot horoscope for August 25.