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Another Russian ally supports Moscow amid Ukraine’s Kursk operation

Another Russian ally supports Moscow amid Ukraine’s Kursk operation Archive photo: Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin (

The North Korean government has expressed support for Russia's efforts to protect its sovereignty and has accused the United States of supplying Ukraine with a significant amount of lethal weapons, reports Reuters.

The North Korean government has declared that it will consider Ukraine's operation in the Kursk region as an act of terrorism. Furthermore, North Korea has alleged that the United States has provided Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with an "astronomical" amount of lethal weapons.

"We strongly condemn the armed attack against the Russian territory by the Zelenskyy puppet regime under the control and support of the United States and the West as an unforgivable act of aggression and terror," stated the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

North Korea-Russia relations

Relations between Russia and North Korea have strengthened amid the war in Ukraine. Both countries are now cooperating in military, economic, and political spheres. North Korea openly supports Russia in its actions against Ukraine.

In 2023, several high-level meetings between leaders of the two countries took place, resulting in the signing of a strategic partnership and cooperation agreement.

Russia is receiving military assistance from North Korea, although both countries officially deny the transfer of weapons. It is believed that North Korea supplies Russia with artillery shells and rockets.

Reports also indicate that more than half of North Korean missiles failed to reach their target in Ukraine.

It is worth noting that North Korea is not the only country to defend Russia. Yesterday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also "condemned" the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region. Interestingly, during the events in Syria, Russian forces helped Assad maintain power and possibly even his life.

Ukrainian offensive in Kursk region

On July 6, Ukrainian forces launched an offensive in the Kursk region, establishing control over 82 settlements across an area of 1,150 square kilometers. The primary goal of the operation is to protect Ukrainian border regions from Russian shelling.

Today, it was reported that Ukrainian aviation has destroyed a second bridge in the Kursk region over the Seym River.