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All hydroelectric power plants in Ukraine been attacked by Russia - Ukrhydroenergo

All hydroelectric power plants in Ukraine been attacked by Russia - Ukrhydroenergo There is not a single hydroelectric power plant in Ukraine that has not been attacked by the enemy (t.m. Denys_Smyhal)
Author: Maria Kholina

All hydroelectric power stations in Ukraine have come under enemy attacks. Ukrainian hydroelectric plants have lost about 40% of their generation capacity, according to Ihor Syrota, General Director of Ukrhydroenergo.

"As of today, unfortunately, there is not a single station that has not been attacked by the Russian aggressor. More than 130 missile strikes have been carried out on our generation facilities. We understand that we are losing and have already lost a lot," he said.

According to him, the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant has been completely lost, and the Dnipro Hydroelectric Power Plant has been significantly damaged. All other hydroelectric power plants are in the process of restoration.

"What will be possible to restore, we still do not know. The goal is to recover as much as possible by the fall-winter period, but today this is a difficult task because missile strikes continue almost every week or every month. We plan one thing, but the enemy plans another. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict anything today," Syrota added.

He said that Ukrainian hydroelectric power stations have lost about 40% of their generation capacity, while thermal power stations have lost over 80%. These sources of generation are crucial for balancing Ukraine's energy grid, leading to a shortage of balancing generation.

Threat to Kyiv HPP

The Kyiv HPP was targeted during a massive attack on August 26. The Kyiv Regional Military Administration reported that the plant did not suffer critical damage.

Both local authorities and energy experts emphasize that there is currently no threat to the Kyiv Hydroelectric Station, as it cannot be destroyed by missiles.

More details on the Kyiv HPP, its importance, and what would happen to Kyiv in the event of a dam breach can be found in RBC-Ukraine's report.