9 things not to keep at home to avoid troubles

Could what you bring into your home bring misfortune, relationship problems, or even death? Superstitions from around the world warn us against keeping various unlucky items in our homes, as many of them have ancient origins and may have practical grounds.
Here is a list of items that, according to superstition, could bring misfortune into your home.
Broken clock
Since clocks symbolize the passage of time, they have long been associated with human mortality.
In the Victorian era, clocks would stop when someone in the family died, so it's not surprising that a suddenly broken clock is seen as an omen of misfortune. Even more eerie, if that broken clock suddenly chimes, it's believed to signal imminent death.
It was to be expected that superstitions would swirl around such an ancient and practical tool as an axe.
Some sources claim that carrying an axe over the shoulder in the house brings bad luck, while others say simply bringing one home is an omen of death. At the very least, we can all agree that axes are not the safest item to have around the house.
Open umbrella
One well-known superstition about bad luck is associated with opening an umbrella indoors. Its roots can be traced back to both Egyptian and Scandinavian traditions, which assert that bringing an umbrella indoors offends the protective spirits of the household.
Whether or not it brings misfortune is up for debate, but it's still wise to be cautious with umbrellas indoors.
Scenes of destruction
Some feng shui consultants advise against displaying a painting or photograph depicting barren landscapes, natural disasters, shipwrecks, or battles. Such images bring negative energy into the home and can bring suffering to your loved ones.
Some traditions believe that mirrors can steal your soul. Even those confident in the safety of their soul may carefully choose locations for their mirrors.
For instance, according to feng shui, a mirror facing the bed may lead to relationship problems, and a mirror facing the entrance door may hinder the flow of life energy into the home.
Unmade bed
To instill beneficial habits, many parents encourage their children to make their beds every morning. But proper bed-making isn't just about character formation.
Some superstitions suggest that leaving a bed unmade disrupts good sleep, and according to British lore, leaving a depression in the bed invites the devil to wait for you there.
Leaning ladder
Although the age-old superstition about walking under a ladder is common in many countries, its origins are debated. It may stem from Christian tradition where entering the triangle formed by a leaning ladder could be seen as a violation of the Holy Trinity.
Another possibility is that the shape resembles a medieval gallows. Or it may simply be unsafe to walk under a ladder without supervision.
Old calendar
To keep luck on your side, live for today — at least when it comes to your calendar. Since calendars, like clocks, help track time, they are closely associated with death.
People in some cultures consider it unlucky to keep old calendars at home. It's also a common belief that you shouldn't hang up a calendar for the next year before January 1st.
Storing under the bed
It is believed that items stored under the bed disrupt the flow of energy. To maximize positive energy and improve rest, keep the area under your bed clean.
Hiding things from an overcrowded closet under the bed is seen as a form of disorder, and disorder can lead to misfortune and loss of wealth. If you must use this space for storage, superstitions advise keeping items neatly organized and in closed containers.
During the writing of the article, sources were used: Bob Vila, How Stuff Works.