5 signs you're aging faster than you should

Aging is a natural process in human life. Some signs may indicate that this process is happening faster than necessary.
Skin damaged by the sun
Dr. Mona Brownfield said that excessive sun exposure can be harmful to the skin. Daily sunlight can have many mental and physical health benefits.
However, you don't need a lot of sun to feel the benefits - ten minutes can be enough to get the recommended vitamin D.
Excessive sun exposure can impair skin elasticity. Also, UV radiation can damage collagen proteins in the skin, leading to sagging skin, and accelerate the production of melanin (the cells that give skin its color), causing dark age spots.
As we age, skin becomes thinner and less elastic, leading to wrinkles, age spots, and dryness. If you add to this external factors such as sun exposure and smoking, this process is accelerated.
Joint problems
Joint stiffness and pain can be a sign of premature aging.
“If you're in your 40s or younger and you start experiencing things like pain or discomfort, it can be a warning sign,” said Nathan Lebrasser, PhD.
As we age, it becomes difficult to perform the activities that have been familiar for many years. Muscle and joint pains occur, and the latter lose mobility. The tone of muscles and tissues also decreases, which affects not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems.
Hearing loss
Hearing problems can occur at any age. Loud noise can damage the small hair cells in the ears that transmit sound to the brain. When these hairs are broken, they cannot grow back, and the fewer such hairs there are, the worse we hear.
Hair loss
It is normal for hair to turn gray and fall out as we age. However, stress can trigger this process earlier.
To avoid this, you should take care of your health and choose the right hair care.
Poor sleep
Poor sleep can accelerate brain aging. Lack of sleep can lead to diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and accelerated aging.
Older people have shifted sleep phases - the deep sleep phase is very short and the first stage of sleep is extended. Elderly people sleep poorly, often wake up in the middle of the night and then can't get back to sleep for a long time.
Sources: Best life online; Eat This, Not That!
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