5 signs that a man definitely doesn't love you

If you're struggling to understand whether a man loves you, these simple five signs will help you figure it all out. Of course, it can be quite unpleasant to admit, but it's better to know everything before things go too far, according to Your Tango.
He seeks excuses to avoid seeing you. When a man is in love, he wants to spend as much time as possible with his woman. If you only hear constant excuses and notice that your beloved always has reasons - he doesn't love you.
He regularly ignores you. When a man takes a day to respond to messages, it's definitely not because he's busy at work. It's a simple manifestation of disrespect. You should realize something true but unpleasant - a man who loves you won't ignore you.
His hobbies are more important than you. It's great when a person has a favorite activity. But if a man always chooses hanging out with friends or a fishing trip over spending time with, it's already a troubling sign. It's time to find someone who will share their hobbies with you instead of constantly making you wait.
He dictates terms and criticizes you. If you have to approve your makeup and clothes with a man, while he doesn't hesitate to publicly mock you, it's definitely not about love. Criticism and disrespect are certainly not signs of his deep feelings for you.
He doesn't want to hear about your desires. If you live with a man who refuses to compromise and help you with something, or you constantly have to sacrifice yourself, it's time to draw some conclusions. When a partner loves a woman, he will definitely hear her desires and won't openly ignore them.