5 most dangerous animals for tourists

Travelers also face certain risks, including threats from wild animals. Some representatives of the fauna can be deadly, and it is important to know in which countries they are most commonly found.
RBC-Ukraine reports about the five most dangerous animals for tourists that deserve special attention.
Crocodiles are another deadly threat that kills more than 1,000 people every year. The most dangerous species are the Nile and saltwater crocodiles.
Nile crocodiles are common in African countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, and marine crocodiles are found in Australia, Indonesia, and New Guinea. In Australia, crocodiles caused at least 5 deaths in 2024 alone.
These reptiles attack suddenly, waiting for a victim in the water or on the shore. They are able to grab a person instantly while developing high speed. Tourists in regions where crocodiles are found should avoid swimming in freshwater and follow warning signs.
Crocodiles often attack people (photo: Freepik.com)
Jellyfish, in particular poisonous species, cause about 50-100 deaths every year. The most dangerous are the cubed jellyfish found off the coasts of Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. Their mats contain poison that can cause paralysis, heart attack, and even death in a few minutes.
In Indonesia, for example, in 2022, 20 cases of serious burns from contact with cubomedusae were recorded, two of which were fatal. Waters are especially dangerous during the breeding season of these creatures (usually summer). To protect themselves, tourists are advised to wear special wetsuits or avoid swimming in areas where jellyfish are warned.
Despite their size, spiders can be deadly. Every year, several thousand bites of poisonous spiders are recorded worldwide, of which several dozen ends in death. The most dangerous species are the black widow, the hermit spider, and the Australian violin spider.
Australia, the United States, Brazil, and South Africa are the regions where these creatures are most common. For example, in Australia, more than 40 cases of spider bites were recorded in 2024, although there were no fatalities due to timely treatment.
Various spiders in exotic countries pose a threat to tourists (photo: Freepik.com)
Sharks are considered to be one of the most fearsome predators in the world. Every year, about 80-100 shark attacks on people are recorded worldwide, of which about 10 cases end in death. The most dangerous species for tourists are the great white shark, tiger shark, and bull shark.
Attacks are especially common off the coasts of Australia, the United States (Florida and Hawaii), South Africa, and the Bahamas. For example, in 2023, 16 attacks occurred in Florida, and Australia was the scene of two fatalities.
The main causes of attacks are sudden contact, provocation by humans, or confusion when sharks mistake humans for prey. When swimming in the ocean, you should avoid the hours of shark activity (dawn and dusk) and wear a neutral bathing suit to avoid attracting attention.
Snakebites kill 80,000 to 138,000 people worldwide every year and leave several hundred thousand more disabled. The most dangerous are cobras, taipans, mambas, and rattlesnakes.
India, Brazil, Australia, and African countries are the main regions where these venomous reptiles are found. For example, in India, more than 50,000 deaths from snakebites are recorded every year. Most cases occur due to the carelessness of people who accidentally step on a snake or try to catch it.
To prevent attacks, it is important to wear closed shoes, especially when walking in the jungle, and avoid tall grass.
A snake bite can be fatal (photo: Freepik.com)
Sources: Listverse, BBC, Wikipedia.