5 atmospheric and hilarious movies about mysticism and ghosts

Many people remember Tim Burton's cult movie Beetlejuice. And if you appreciate the plot and the ghost story, then you will like the new selection of mystery films that will not scare you but only amuse you.
Death Becomes Her
The comedy with Meryl Streep is considered legendary for a reason. And if you haven't seen how two friends literally go crazy over a man and then try to kill each other, you should catch up on this gap immediately.
Haunted Honeymoon
As the name implies, this movie is full of mysticism and ghosts. The comedy will cheer you up because the detective line is successfully combined with very funny situations.
Haunted Mansion
The movie has already been remade, but we recommend watching the movie that was shot in 2003. The story, starring Eddie Murphy, tells the story of a man and his wife who accidentally find themselves in a house with a lot of mysticism.
The Addams Family
An incredibly atmospheric movie from 1991 that many people remember from childhood. Few people have seen cartoons, TV series, and movies about this fictional family. Immerse yourself in the world of humor and fairy tales.
Of course, what a selection of ghost movies without this masterpiece. This incredibly kind and even heartbreaking story is about a boy named Casper who suddenly finds friends among people who will touch and make anyone laugh.