3 worst habits of passengers on airplanes: What makes others incredibly angry

People's habits when traveling by air can be annoying for both other passengers and the staff on board, states flight attendant Cher Killough. Check if you do these three things during your flight.
Wide legs
Cher Killough has been working as a flight attendant for more than five years, and during this time she has seen many situations where people annoy other passengers during travel, especially those sitting right next to them.
She named a habit that men are more prone to: spreading their legs. According to the flight attendant, spreading your legs wide on an airplane is something that should be banned. Especially for those sitting in the middle seat.
People, and usually these are inattentive men, sit with their knees so far apart that they take up more space than their seat allows, encroaching on the space of people on either side.
"During a 12-hour flight, the guy sitting next to me spread his legs so far apart that they took up his seat and most of mine, and his elbow was digging into my ribs," said one passenger.
Strong perfume
Cher noted that the use of strong perfumes on an airplane should also be banned. Other passengers may suffer from the same odors, and if the flight lasts for many hours, it becomes torture.
"I don't care if it's good or bad, but no one wants to smell the fragrance you choose to wear today. This is an environment where people are already prone to feeling nauseous. Having an additional flavor is not a good mix," explains the flight attendant.
She added that despite this remark, she prefers to smell pleasant aromas and that doesn't mean you should give up your usual neutral deodorant, soap, or shower gel while traveling.
Bare feet
A stewardess noticed that many passengers are annoyed when a neighbor has bare toes. Sometimes it can be very unpleasant.
"It is not acceptable to have bare toes in the cabin. Those who wear sandals on the plane deserve to be punished," she says.
The reason for the disgust is that people use the onboard toilets and may even stand up with their feet on the seat, which is definitely not hygienic.
In addition, such people often try to walk or sit barefoot on the plane, and this will definitely not please their seatmates.
Earlier, we wrote about what to do if you're late for your flight.
We also told you what 10 unpleasant facts about air travel are hidden from passengers.