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12 signs of karmic relationships and how to end them for good

12 signs of karmic relationships and how to end them for good What is a karmic relationship and how to end it (photo: Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The term karmic relationships refers to those where partners are compelled to go through many events, lessons, intense emotions, and feelings. These relationships neither end nor progress. Sometimes, both partners feel as if they have met before.

What are karmic relationships?

The term derives from the root word karma, which means action, deed, or work. Karmic is often used to explain the principle of cause and effect, where every action influences the future — whether for better or worse.

Karmic relationships exist to teach partners an important lesson they failed to learn in a past life.

This is why these relationships are so intense — so that a soulmate from the past can find you again. These partners meet solely to teach each other lessons they did not learn, rather than to remain together for life.

Signs of karmic relationships

Recurring patterns

It seems as though these relationships never end, and you keep going in circles, especially when it comes to problems you can't seem to resolve.

The reason is that the only way to grow is to let go. You haven’t learned your lesson yet, which is why the process keeps repeating.

Problems from the beginning

In karmic relationships, arguments and reconciliations often start almost from the very beginning. Your partner may seem angry, overly controlling, or excessively jealous.

It’s important to be cautious and think carefully — this might be a serious issue that should be addressed before it spirals out of control.


Karmic relationships are often selfish and unhealthy. Jealousy is one of the main emotions driving these relationships, and it destroys any chance of growth. Your reactions could determine whether the relationship becomes unhealthy over time.


Another issue with karmic relationships is that they often feel dependent. Romantic love can indeed become addictive.

You might feel drawn to your partner with such force that being together feels like an addiction. This dependency can be physical, emotional, and mental, making it difficult for you to function without the other person.

Emotional rollercoaster

One moment you are happy, and the next, within hours or days, you feel miserable. There’s a constant sense that something catastrophic is about to happen. Even when things are going well, you’re convinced that it won’t last, and a dark storm is looming.

You and your partner against the world

The tragedies, disasters, and challenges you face together seem like mere trials of love. You both feel as if it’s just the two of you against a cruel world, and you need to go through this to find happiness.

Communication problems

These relationships often highlight poor communication. While you may have good and peaceful days when you feel in sync with one another, more often, you fail to hear or understand each other.


Karmic relationships are often cruel, bringing out the worst in partners. Abuse can take many forms, and you may find yourself in any of them, even if you believe you wouldn’t tolerate it.


The extreme nature of these relationships can be deeply draining. Constant conflicts, misunderstandings, and codependency can exhaust you both emotionally and physically.


One of the defining traits of these relationships is their unpredictability. This applies to the issues, reconciliations, and behavior of both partners. You’re both volatile, eventually leading to emotional burnout.

Inability to end the relationship

It may feel like you can end the relationship at any time, yet you can’t resist staying and trying again. Even after years, you might start over, hoping that this time, it will work out.

Some may even fear what will happen to them if they end the relationship.

These relationships won't last forever

Karmic relationships are not meant to last. Once you learn the lesson, moving on becomes easier. Despite any justifications or beliefs that this is true love, these unhealthy relationships will eventually come to an end.

How to end karmic relationships

In truth, the only purpose of these relationships is to teach you a lesson, although what that lesson is may be unclear. However, you must respect yourself and your partner, choose the right path, and not allow the relationship to poison your life.

  • Express your concerns if you feel your partner has crossed boundaries.
  • If your partner attacks or tries to hurt you, demand that it stops immediately.
  • If you’ve been hurt or treated unfairly, make it clear that such behavior is not allowed.
  • Don’t allow yourself to be mistreated in any way.
  • Take responsibility for your actions to become stronger.
  • Make sure you accurately understand your impressions, emotions, and feelings.
  • Don’t let others disrespect you.
  • Avoid suppressing confrontation, as it can eat away at you.
  • Seek support and discuss your relationship with someone who can offer an outside perspective.
  • If the relationship exhausts you and the problems persist, end it.
  • If fear and dependency tempt you to give the relationship a second chance, consult a professional.

Sources: Marriage, Psychology Today, Psych Central, Vogue.