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10 important rules for you to build fulfilling and stable relationship

10 important rules for you to build fulfilling and stable relationship What 10 rules will help you make your relationship strong and happy (photo: Freepik)

Relationships are not a fairy tale about a perfect couple living happily ever after. This is a reality where there are challenges, everyday life, and the ability not only to love but also to work on yourself and relationships, states Vitalii Kursik, a life coach and sexologist.

1. Don't avoid conflicts

Disagreements are normal, but it's how you resolve them that matters. Don't try to prove yourself right at any cost. Ask yourself: what is more important - victory or harmony?

2. Leave room for yourself

In a relationship, you often want to merge with your partner into one, but this is a mistake. Keep your hobbies, dreams, and time for yourself. This is the only way you will remain interesting to each other.

3. Be honest even when you are scared

"Are you afraid to tell the truth? Try it. Instead of lying or remaining silent, take the risk of being honest. This will build a stronger bond than you can imagine," the expert advises.

4. Share your vulnerability

Opening up is a risk, but it's the only way to get closer. Share your fears, pain, and doubts. This is not a weakness, but a strength.

5. Don't put your partner on a pedestal

"Idealization leads to disappointment. A partner is a person, not a superhero. Learn to see him/her as real and love him/her as such," the coach warns.

6. Prioritize your priorities

Your career or friends are important, but will there be room for your partner? If he is always "after" everything else, the relationship will not last long.

7. Surprises are the main course

"No, it's not about expensive gifts. Sometimes just an unplanned walk or breakfast in bed can remind you that you appreciate each other," the expert explains.

8. Sexuality is not an option, but a necessity

Don't let intimacy become routine. Leave room for passion, experimentation, and discussion of your desires.

9. Share your victories and defeats

Don't be afraid to say, "I'm proud of you" or "I'm tired today, support me." Together you are a team, and this is the most important thing.

10. Don't forget about humor

Sometimes even serious moments can be smoothed over with a joke. Humor helps to cope with tension and reminds us that life is not only about problems.

"Remember, relationships are the art of being yourself with another person. They're not perfect, but if you're willing to work on them, they can become the best part of your life," Vitalii Kursik advises.